Our Services
Book your package below.
30 min
56 Australian dollars
​This will involve 30 minutes of gross motor skills development and use of swim strokes to help with therapeutic goals in a hydrotherapy setting.
Children who struggle in big groups to focus but also need to learn interaction will be placed in a 1:2 class: 1 Therapist with 2 Children.
45 min
84 Australian dollars
This will involve a 45 minute hydrotherapy session focusing on therapeutic goals in a water based environment . Children who have goals around improving endurance in their functional activities and can work in a group will be placed in a longer session: 2 children per group.
30 min
112 Australian dollars
Targeted individualised 1:1 hydrotherapy session for children who require high clinical input from a physiotherapist as well as individual attention to get the most out of their session. Children in this area will often struggle in a small group setting and can have goals to move into our group sessions as they progress through the program
45 min
168 Australian dollars
Targeted individualised 1:1 hydrotherapy session for children who require high clinical input from a physiotherapist as well as individual attention to get the most out of their session. Children in this area will often struggle in a small group setting and can have goals to move into our group sessions as they progress through the program. Clients that undertake a 45 minute session will often have goals around endurance or need more time in the water to be able to get the most of their session.
45 min
65 Australian dollars
A 45 minute Hydrotherapy session led by an Allied Health Assistant (AHA) that follows a targeted program created by a physiotherapist. The AHA will take your child through specific exercises made by the physiotherapist to ensure they can achieve their therapeutic goals. Programs are reviewed by the physiotherapist monthly.
45 min
40 Australian dollars
Flipper babies is a physiotherapy led program aiming to help your infant with water safety and acclimatisation skills as well as provide a clinical overview to help build their strength to help achieve their appropriate gross motor milestones. Our experienced physiotherapists use the spool as way to help your child develop the appropriate foundation skills for their movement and development in conjunction with building their swimming skills. This service is open to children who are on the NDIS and also available to those that are not as it is claimable on private health.